Protecting your privacy is our priority

ProtectionArticle12 October 2022

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The recent data breaches demonstrate how important information security is and how we all need to remain alert to suspicious account activity and scams.

Zurich is actively monitoring the data breaches.

Zurich employees are well trained, and we have robust systems and security measures in place to address potential risks and protect your personal information. While these are a line of defence, we encourage our customers to remain alert and aware of suspicious activity.

Zurich Australia encourages our customers to remain informed. We have compiled a range of trusted and reputable resources to help you understand the risks and what to do if you think your personal data has been compromised.

You can also usually find more specific information resources for any data breaches that impact you from companies that have been involved in the breach. Be sure to check their website regularly for any updates or contact them directly for more support. 

Find out how we manage data and information security

Local and global expertise

Your personal information is in good hands.

Complementing our robust security infrastructure and culture, Zurich Australia also leverages the expertise of the Zurich Insurance Group, a leading multi-line insurer in global and local markets.

Critical to servicing our customers securely, Zurich maintains information technology and security controls to protect our systems and the confidentiality of the data we collect and process.

Information security is part of our DNA

Zurich’s global information security framework includes policies and processes related to data and information security, employee training and conduct.

All Zurich employees are required to undertake mandatory training covering Data/Information Security, Data Protection, Records Retention, Anti-Money Laundering, Trade and Economic Sanctions, Anti-Fraud and Zurich’s Code of Conduct.

Zurich promotes security awareness to employees through a series of events.

Our commitment

Zurich’s data commitment includes four promises to our customers. We will:

  • keep your data safe
  • never sell your personal data
  • not share your personal data without being transparent about it
  • put your data to work so Zurich can better protect you

Classification and management of your data

Zurich has mandatory requirements for classifying and handling data this includes how we store, share, encrypt, retain and destroy the information we collect.

Why we store your personal data

We take our data protection obligations very seriously. Zurich relies on a variety of personal data to accurately and effectively assess risk, provide coverage that meets your needs, and help settle claims. Zurich treats data collection and use with the greatest care and respect.

Transmission, storage and encryption of your data

Zurich has defined standards regarding cryptography and encryption, to ensure that your data is protected. In certain circumstances Zurich may need to communicate or transmit data outside the Zurich network. The data is encrypted in line with policy requirements before transmission.

Within the Zurich network security techniques are employed for storage, including encryption based on the type of data and the way the data is used.

Stay alert. Stay safe.

Your personal information is in good hands. You can find out more about the information we collect…

Remember to review our resources and stay alert.

If you have concerns about your information security, privacy or think your personal information has been compromised contact 132 687.