Zurich Active

Severity-based life insurance, for smarter protection

Medical treatment has evolved. It’s time life insurance did too. Zurich Active is a unique severity-based policy with an extensive list of covered health events, designed to cover a broad spectrum of life’s possible setbacks.

Most life insurance policies are designed for one event in a lifetime – with limited parameters for making a claim.

Rice Warner Sum Insured .xls Calculator

(download is a zip file, password for the xls is 'active')

Find an adviser

Zurich provides a free service that can connect you to an independent financial adviser:

Financial Advice Association Australia  (FAAA)

ASIC’s MoneySmart website also has valuable information on what to look for when choosing a financial adviser.

Or contact us

Call 131 551
Monday-Thursday: 8.30am – 7.00pm
Friday: 8.30am – 5.30pm


What is Zurich Active?

Active is different

Active covers more medical conditions – and pays claims according to severity. Plus, your clients can keep claiming on any remaining cover if life deals further setbacks.


Broader coverage

Zurich Active covers 169 health events – more than any other trauma insurance in Australia. Importantly, it also has a built in claim protector and a safety net which measures permanent functional capacity limitations arising from sickness or injury (if there is no possible claim under any specifically defined health event)


One simple policy to cover many possibilities

Additional Death Cover, Extended Care,Income Cover and Child Cover are optional.

You can indicate whether you want to include these in your Active cover when you apply.


Life insurance shouldn’t be all or nothing

With Active, clients are more likely to get the help they need – across a broader spectrum of health events. This spectrum covers 169 health events across many body systems including cancer, heart and artery, brain and nerves, digestive system, musculoskeletal system.

Health events are categorised by severity, A being the most severe, E the least, providing your client with financial protection during the early stages of progressive health events and should the condition deteriorate the client can make subsequent claims at higher benefit levels.


The life protection that keeps on protecting

Active is a true multi-claim policy, allowing multiple claims under one policy, with each claim reducing the remaining cover available. This feature provides smarter, ongoing protection.

The ability to make multiple claims, and benefit amounts that are designed to align to the seriousness of the condition is unique in the Australian market, and more in line with how a modern, traumatic illness would impact a client’s life.

Lower claimable thresholds for many conditions mean that clients can start claiming at earlier stages once they experience a health event. Although the client may not receive the full benefit for every Active claim, they are much more likely to make a claim on the policy, and receive an amount relative to the severity of the condition.


An important built-in feature is the Zurich Active Claim Protector which means that 25% of the total cover is ‘protected’ for future health events to ensure it’s available if a health event gets worse, or if a new health event occurs over life of the policy.

This feature forms part of the policy right up until the clients 65th birthday.

Live with confidence

A client has a higher probability of a successful claim with Zurich Active (See Zurich Active Claim Examples on page 12) than a traditional trauma product. Being able to make multiple claims for unrelated conditions is a very important feature for those who want a degree of certainty and protection after recovery.

A limited claim period applies for 12 months following a Health event, reflecting the fact that complications from a medical condition or its treatment can arise.


Additional certainty with the Active Safety Net

Some health conditions don’t fit specific health event definitions. If a client suffers from a serious medically recognised illness that doesn’t meet a defined health event, the safety net may provide a benefit. We assess permanent inability to perform an occupation or permanent inability to perform activities of daily living, such as self-care or communication.


Designed for living

Zurich Active is specifically designed to support you through these serious health events and through to recovery. It does this by having the broadest coverage of health definitions in the market with coverage of over 169 health events and an important built-in catch-all definition should the illness or the event be undefinable. You can make multiple claims for progressive, and/or any new health events whilst remaining protected under one simple policy which of course for the most serious conditions including terminal illness and death will pay out the full sum insured, giving your clients the peace of mind that they are fully covered.

Moving with a global trend

Severity based life insurance products are widely available throughout Asia, Africa, Europe and North America and are recognised as being an innovative insurance product which is most aligned to the evolving nature of modern medicine and health.

Find an adviser

Zurich provides a free service that can connect you to an independent financial adviser:

Financial Advice Association Australia  (FAAA)

ASIC’s MoneySmart website also has valuable information on what to look for when choosing a financial adviser.

Or contact us

Call 131 551
Monday-Thursday: 8.30am – 7.00pm
Friday: 8.30am – 5.30pm
