Our promises to you

As an insurer, we have a crucial responsibility to our customers and society. By behaving ethically and responsibly and by standing up for what is right, we demonstrate to our customers, each other, and all of our stakeholders that We Care about them and that we are worthy of their trust, something that is vital for our long-term success.

Sustainable and Ethical Sourcing

We endeavour at all times to provide our customers with the highest levels of service and professionalism, and we recognise that use of suppliers and third parties is critical to this objective. Accordingly, at Zurich Australia & New Zealand, we use a sustainable sourcing framework based on three core pillars that incorporate social, environmental and ethical values, to select the right suppliers to partner with. More information can be found in Zurich’s Supplier Code of Conduct below.

Download Supplier Code of Conduct

Modern Slavery

Zurich is committed to combating modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. To fulfil this commitment, Zurich has taken critical steps to identify and manage modern slavery risks. These steps are reinforced by the values Zurich upholds in our organisation and across our supply chain, such as protection of vulnerable people and a commitment to the preservation of human rights.

Zurich’s 2023 Modern Slavery Statement has been prepared to meet our reporting requirements under the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and outlines the processes that Zurich has taken to address modern slavery risk in both our operations and supply chains, and our continued efforts in uplifting our practices to meet newly identified and heightened modern slavery risks.

Download Modern Slavery Statement

Life Insurance Code of Practice

When you take out life insurance, it’s important that you receive the highest standards of service in all of your dealings with us.

That’s why we have adopted the Life Insurance Code of Practice. It’s the life insurance industry’s commitment to mandatory customer service standards and it’s designed to protect you, our customer.

What does the Life Insurance Code of Practice cover?

The Code sets out the life insurance industry’s key commitments and obligations to customers on standards of practice, disclosure and principles of conduct for their life insurance services, such as being open, fair and honest.  It also sets out timeframes for insurers to respond to claims, complaints and requests for information from customers.

The Code covers many aspects of your relationship with us, from buying insurance to making a claim, to providing options if you experience financial hardship or require additional support. It is monitored by an independent committee, to ensure effective compliance by life insurers. Insurers can be sanctioned if they do not correct breaches of the Code.

Life Insurance Code of Practice Link

General Insurance Code of Practice

Zurich Australian Insurance Limited is a signatory to the General Insurance Code of Practice (the Code) and supports the Code.

The objectives of the Code are:

  • to commit us to high standards of service;
  • to promote better, more informed relations between us and you;
  • to maintain and promote trust and confidence in the General Insurance industry;
  • to provide fair and effective mechanisms for the resolution of complaints and disputes you make about us; and
  • to promote continuous improvement of the General Insurance industry through education and training.

The Code Governance Committee is an independent body that monitors and enforces insurers’ compliance with the Code.

Further information about the Code or the Code Governance Committee and your rights under it is available at https://insurancecouncil.com.au/cop/ or by contacting us.

Download General Insurance Code of Practice

Zurich Australia Insurance Limited Product and Proposition Development Process

Zurich’s mission is to help our customers understand and protect themselves from risk.

Our product oversight and governance arrangements are designed to bring products and propositions to market that:

  • take into account our customers’ objectives, financial situation and needs
  • do not adversely affect customers
  • prevent or mitigate detriment to customers.

Before selling or distributing a product, Zurich develops its products and propositions:

  • identifying our customers' target market
  • identifying what is not our customers' target market
  • reviewing distribution arrangements and working with distributors where relevant.

In addition to assessing our products and propositions as suitable for sale and distribution on their introduction, we monitor and review our products and propositions on an ongoing basis to check that they remain appropriate for our customers’ objectives, financial situation and needs.   

Where necessary, Zurich modifies or withdraws a product or proposition if it does not meet our criteria.

Our Group’s Code of Conduct: We Care

At Zurich, caring is one of our six values and a key element of what we stand for and how we conduct ourselves individually and as a business.

We care about doing the right thing. Living by our values, making ethical decisions, and speaking up when we see something that does not seem right is crucial for us to maintain the trust of each other, our customers, investors, regulators and society.

  • We care about our colleagues because we know that we can only be successful if we work as a team, and that mutual respect is vital in order for each and every one of us to live up to our full potential.
  • We care about our customers because they are the reason we are in business. Putting their needs at the heart of what we do and providing them with protection for the things and people they value has been our mission since Zurich was founded in 1872.
  • We care about business integrity and ethical behavior because conducting all our business in a compliant and fair manner helps prevent criminal, illegal and unethical activities and preserves the transparency and integrity of the markets.
  • We care about our company because we are proud of Zurich’s heritage and brand and understand that protecting our reputation and our assets is critical for our long-term success.
  • And, we care about our future and want to be one of the most sustainable companies in the world. We understand that we must always consider the consequences that today’s actions could have on tomorrow.

At Zurich, we care.

Download Code of Conduct