Important Information:

With severe weather events in parts of Australia, our claims response teams are working hard to support our customers and respond as quickly as possible. Once safe to do so please contact us directly for assistance, or lodge your claim online for your Motor and Property claims.


Make a Casualty and Specialty claim

Call  132 687  for all claims


Find out more about our claims insights and statistics.

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Western Australia

Claim forms for email, postal or fax lodgements


 Post: Zurich Financial Services, PO Box 442, West Perth WA 6872

 Fax: 08 9261 1390

Claim forms for email or postal lodgement


Post: Zurich Financial Services, Locked Bag 2138, North Sydney NSW 2059

Fax: 02 9995 4093


Call: 132 687

Claims forms for email, postal or fax lodgement

Liability - Property Damage Claims Email:

Liability - Bodily Injury Claims Email:

Post: Zurich Financial Services, Locked Bag 2138, North Sydney NSW 2059

Fax: 1800 284 929


Call: 132 687

New fast-track settlement service for eligible liability claims.

Less complex, low value claims are now fast-tracked by a specialist team. When all the supporting documents are provided along with bank account details, we aim to process these eligible claims within 5 business days. 

Emergency Travel Assist: +61 2 8907 5671


Post: Zurich Financial Services, Locked Bag 2138, North Sydney NSW 2059


Call: 132 687

Professional Indemnity, Directors and Officers, Employment Practices, Management Liability

Financial Lines Claims can be made under any products such as Directors and Officers Liability, Councillors and Officers Liability, Professional Indemnity, Crime and Employment Practices Liability. The range of claims that can occur is very broad. To assist you in making a claim under a Financial Lines Product we have developed a range of Claim Forms and Guidelines which can assist.

Claim forms for email or postal lodgement


Post: The Claims Manager, Financial Lines Claims, PO Box 677, North Sydney NSW 2059


Call: 132 687

Claim forms for email, postal or fax lodgement

Liability - Property Damage Only Email:

Liability Email:

Post: Zurich Financial Services, Locked Bag 2138, North Sydney NSW 2059

Fax: 1800 284 929


Call: 132 687

Track your claim

❯ Z Track

❯ Log into Z Track

When it comes to claims, Zurich delivers

Zurich’s claims team is dedicated to helping customers get back to business promptly, and has the credentials to show for it, including:

  • An average 4.5 stars out of 5 claims rating (
  • Australian General Insurer Claims Team of the Year (2019 Insurance Business Awards)

More on Zurich claims