Risk Features
Motor Fleet
Motor Fleet
Road crashes are the largest cause of work-related death across many regions of the world, and yet are one of the least well-managed areas of Occupational Health & Safety.
In addition, most companies rely upon significant investment in transport assets to contribute to bottom-line profit. Without their fleet, most companies would not be able to operate.
The benefits of managing work-related road safety can be considerable. It allows you to make informed decisions about crash reduction strategies, training programs, vehicle and driver selection, as well as identifying ways to improve Health & Safety management of on-road risks.
Complying with road and transport legislation does not always guarantee optimum levels of safety, and legal compliance should only be regarded as the minimum safety standard. Best Practice should be your goal, and Zurich’s Risk Engineers can help you achieve that.
Sedan & Light Commercial Vehicles are the most common form of transport on our roads and so we have concentrated on this area first.