Australia’s largest life insurers unite to provide confidence to customers and the community around COVID-19 vaccinations

14 October 2021

Australia’s largest life insurers – AIA Australia, ClearView, MetLife, MLC Life Insurance, Resolution Life, TAL and Zurich – have today announced they are joining forces in support of Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination program.

As Australia pursues high rates of vaccination on the road out of COVID-19 restrictions, the life insurers have created “We Have You Covered”, a joint national initiative designed to reassure and give confidence to Australians that once vaccinated, their life insurance products will continue to protect and cover them as they have always done.

Between them, the seven insurers provide life insurance cover to more than 14 million Australians. Through this initiative, they are cooperating to provide confidence to customers and the community around approved COVID-19 vaccines and their life insurance products.

A website,, has been launched as an educational resource to help provide confidence and peace of mind to the community, with a focus on three key areas:

  • Receiving an approved COVID-19 vaccination does not affect customers’ ability to claim on existing life insurance policies.
  • Receiving an approved COVID-19 vaccination does not affect people’s ability to access life insurance in the future.
  • While serious side effects are rare, life insurance covers any serious side effects from approved COVID-19 vaccines that meet the terms and benefits provided under a customer’s policy.

The initiative will also be supported by a multi-channel media campaign, co-funded by the seven life insurers participating, to reach as many Australians as possible with the campaign messages.

Speaking about the launch, the CEOs of the key campaign drivers said the time was right to come together to address any community uncertainty on this important topic.

Damien Mu, CEO and Managing Director of AIA Australia and New Zealand said: “The health and wellbeing of our customers and the community is always our primary concern, and we felt it was important and the right thing to do at this time, to play our part in removing any barriers to remaining parts of the population being vaccinated.”

Rodney Cook, CEO of MLC Life Insurance said: “Where customers have questions about the impact COVID vaccinations could have on their policy, we feel now is an important time to set the record straight, particularly as we want to encourage as many Australians to get vaccinated as possible.”

Brett Clark, Group CEO and Managing Director of TAL said: “While several Australian states are tracking towards higher vaccination levels, collectively we felt it was important to provide anyone who was unsure about the impact of being vaccinated on their life insurance cover or ability to access cover in the future, confidence that – as an industry – we have them covered.”

Justin Delaney, CEO of Zurich Australian and New Zealand said: “Customer confidence in the ability to claim on and access life insurance is paramount, and never more so than when it may impact decisions something as important as the COVID-19 vaccination.”

Visit the website for more information:


For further information:

For media enquiries, please contact

Olivia Dovellos
Illuminate Communications

0420 686 233


About the campaign:
The We Have You Covered campaign is a joint initiative of AIA Australia, ClearView, MetLife, MLC Life Insurance, Resolution Life, TAL and Zurich, designed to address questions the Australian community may have in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine and their current or future life insurance policies. Together these insurers provide cover to more than 14 million Australians.