Legal information
The Zurich Australia Group
Zurich Financial Services Australia Limited (ABN 11 008 423 372) and all its wholly owned Australian subsidiaries) including, Zurich Investment Management Limited (ABN 56 063 278 400), Zurich Australian Insurance Limited (ABN 13 000 296 640), Zurich Australia Limited (ABN 92 000 010 195) and Zurich Assure Australia Pty Limited (ABN 58 657 804 736) are members of the Zurich Australia Group ("Zurich", “we”, “our” or “us”).
Applications for life insurance, managed investment and superannuation products can only be made on the Application Form accompanying a current Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) available through this website. To obtain a Product Disclosure Statement for a particular product, please call 131 551.
No member of the Zurich Australia Group guarantees the repayment of capital or the performance of any investment, life insurance or superannuation product offered by member of the Zurich Australia Group except to the extent specified in any Product Disclosure Statement for the particular product.
The past performance of the investment products and funds offered by Zurich is no indication of their future performance.
No member of the Zurich Australia Group guarantees the repayment of capital or the performance of any investment, life insurance or superannuation product offered by members of the Zurich Australia Group except to the extent specified in any Product Disclosure Statement for the particular product.
Any forecasts on this Site are subject to change without notice.
Any reference to currency is a reference to Australian Dollars unless otherwise specified.
The information on this Site is of a general nature only. Full details of products and services on this Site can be obtained by contacting Zurich or your financial adviser.
The information about financial products on this Site has not been provided with the particular objectives, financial situation or needs of any person in mind. Before making any decision you should consider whether the financial product is appropriate in light of your needs, objectives and financial circumstances. You may want to obtain the assistance of a financial adviser before making that decision.
Financial advisers who provide you with personal advice must hold an authorisation from the holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) permitting it to provide personal advice. Obtaining personal advice can help to better align your financial decisions to your particular needs, objectives and financial circumstances, but you are under no obligation to seek advice from any AFSL holder, their financial advisers or to acquire any product issued by a member of the Zurich Australia Group.
Zurich Assure Australia Pty Limited ABN 58 657 804 736 (Zurich Assure) holds an AFSL (AFSL Number 538863) which authorises Zurich Assure and its financial advisers (who are Representatives of Zurich Assure) to provide you with financial services such as personal advice on life risk insurance products, including where issued to a superannuation fund trustee for your benefit under a superannuation product the trustee issues to you.
AFSL holders and their financial advisers (including Zurich Assure) may receive commission and/or other benefits from members of the Zurich Australia Group (other than Zurich Assure) when they assist you to acquire a Zurich product. Important information about an AFSL holder and their financial advisers is contained in their Financial Services Guide, which you should obtain and read carefully.
Important information about advisers is also contained at the
All information on this Site relating to any products or services is intended only for the information of people within Australia. No advertising or other material comprised in this Site and no offer made from this Site is intended for any person outside Australia. Any product or service from this Site can only be applied for and purchased by a person who is within Australia.
You may reproduce any part of the content of the Site, however if you do so, you must acknowledge Zurich's copyright in that content, and retain all markings which indicate the origin of the content. You must not otherwise reproduce that content. Further, and notwithstanding anything else in these Terms and Conditions, you must not reproduce any content from this Site for a commercial purpose or for a profit making purpose.
You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Site and any related information is at your own risk. To the extent permissible by law, Zurich excludes all warranties in relation to the information available from this Site and disclaims all liability arising out of or consequent on any:
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The minimum information you need to provide to enable us to complete your request is highlighted on the Contact Us page. Your contact details will be used to respond to your information requests about our company and products. You will be unable to submit a request for information without providing these minimum details.
Zurich has not reviewed any URL linked to or from any part of this Site which does not form part of this Site ("Third Party Pages"). This may not apply to sites operated by other members of the Zurich Insurance Group of companies.
Zurich is not responsible for any content found on a Third Party Page, or any site of which it forms a part. You must determine whether any page is part of this Site each time you follow a link to that page.
Subject to the law, Zurich does not accept any responsibility, or owe any duty of care, to any person acting, or refraining from acting, as a result of information on this Site.
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to exclude the application of the Australian Consumer Law, as set out in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). If any goods or services supplied through the Site are not used for personal domestic or household use, then, subject to section 64A of the Australian Consumer Law (Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)) ("CCA") and section 12EC of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission Act 2001 (Cth) ("ASIC Act"), our liability (not otherwise disclaimed or limited under these Terms and Conditions) is restricted to:
(i) in the case of good, replacing or repairing the goods or the cost of replacing or repairing the goods; or
(ii) in the case of services, re-supplying the services or the cost of resupplying the services.
Zurich is committed to providing quality service to all our customers and we have arrangements in place for resolving any complaints for our customers may have.
If you wish to make a complaint about one of our products or services please click on the below link:
This Site has been prepared from information believed to be accurate and reliable at the time it was sourced.
Zurich believes that the taxation and other information contained in articles displayed on this Site was correct at the time of first display. But to the extent permissible by law Zurich makes no express warranties and excludes all implied warranties, in relation to the information contained on this Site. All assumptions and examples are based on the continuance of present laws and Zurich's interpretation of those laws. Zurich does not undertake to notify recipients of changes in the law or its interpretation.
To the extent permissible by law, Zurich excludes all liability for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising in any way out of the use of or in relation to the information contained in these documents or results obtained from the use of them.
Zurich can only control what happens on this Site. Once you leave Zurich's Site, we cannot control the information you access. The presence of a hyper-link from this Site does not imply any kind of endorsement by Zurich of the content of the linked site. Each individual site has its own set of policies about what information is appropriate for public access. Zurich is not responsible for any information or material located at other sites.