Website Terms and conditions

The following terms, conditions and disclosures apply.

Product terms and Financial Service Guide

Limits, exclusions and conditions apply to this product. Read the Product Disclosure Statement at for details of the product. Zurich’s Financial Services Guide is available at

Advice warning

Any advice on this and other InsureMyTesla websites does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs, so before acting on the advice consider its appropriateness and those matters. Consider the Product Disclosure Statement at before deciding to acquire or hold the product. Target market determinations are available at Insurance issued by Zurich Australian Insurance Limited ABN 13 000 296 640, AFSL Number 232507, (“Zurich”) phone 1800 319 284.

Referral commission and repair arrangements

If you acquire a Zurich policy after following a link or a referral from a referral partner, such as Tesla Motors Australia Pty Ltd ABN 68 142 889 816 (“Tesla"), the referral partner will receive a commission from Zurich of 5% (plus GST) of your first year’s insurance premium (excluding stamp duty and other statutory charges).

We may engage Tesla to provide repairs, parts, hire vehicles, new vehicles and related services in the course of managing claims, however the costs of those services are for the repair related services provided and are not for any referral activity.

Agreeing to use electronic communications

By applying for a policy, you agree:

  1. that we may make documents and our communications (including our Product Disclosure Statements, Target Market Determinations, Financial Services Guides, update notices, policy documents and customer communications and any documents we are required to send by law), available to you electronically,
  2. to Zurich making those documents and communications available on screen or via links on screen,
  3. to Zurich sending those documents and communications electronically to the email address or number you provided as the relevant contact details,
  4. to Zurich sending links to websites, facilities or apps containing those documents to the email address or number you provided as the relevant contact details and making those documents available on such linked sites, facilities or apps,
  5. to accept electronic documents sent or made available via screens, email, a contact number, a link, a website or app using the means above in place of paper documents,
  6. to provide an email address or contact number capable of receiving a short message service when you are a customer of Zurich or a claimant, and
  7. to tell us as soon as practical when there is a change to your contact details.

Acquiring the product

You can apply for this product through your Tesla mobile app or by visiting us at

Privacy disclosure and consent

Zurich is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). We collect, disclose and handle information, and in some cases personal or sensitive (eg health) information, about you (‘your details’) to assess applications, administer policies, contact you, enhance our products and services, notify you of other products and services we offer and manage claims (‘Purposes’). If you do not provide your information, we may not be able to do those things. By providing us, our representatives or your intermediary with information, you consent to us using, disclosing to third parties and collecting from third parties your details for the Purposes.

We may disclose your details, including your sensitive information, to relevant third parties including, affiliates of Zurich Insurance Group Ltd, insurers, reinsurers, our banking gateway providers and credit card transactions processors, our service providers, our business partners, health practitioners, your employer, parties affected by claims, government bodies, regulators, law enforcement bodies and as required by law, within Australia and overseas. We may disclose some details of your policy or claim (eg a policy number and whether you have a claim) to Tesla to provide a streamlined service to you.

We may obtain your details from relevant third parties, including those listed above. Before giving us information about another person, please give them a copy of this document. Laws authorising or requiring us to collect information include the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth), Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth), Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011 (Cth), A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) and other financial services, crime prevention, trade sanctions and tax laws.

Zurich’s Privacy Policy provides further information and lists service providers, business partners and countries in which recipients of your details are likely to be located. It also sets out how we handle complaints and how you can access or correct your details or make a complaint.

To view our Privacy Policy, visit or call us on 132 687.

General website terms

The content on this Site is made available by Zurich. The information linked from the URL and housed on the same machine that houses that URL ("this Site") is subject to these Website Terms and Conditions. Each and every time you access or browse this Site you are deemed to accept these Website Terms and Conditions.

All information on this Site relating to any products or services is intended only for the information of people within Australia. No advertising or other material comprised in this Site and no offer made from this Site is intended for any person outside Australia. Any product or service from this Site can only be applied for and purchased by a person who is within Australia.

You may reproduce any part of the content of the Site, however if you do so, you must acknowledge Zurich's copyright in that content and retain all markings which indicate the origin of the content. You must not otherwise reproduce that content. Further, and notwithstanding anything else in these Terms and Conditions, you must not reproduce any content from this Site for a commercial purpose or for a profit making purpose.

You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Site and any related information is at your own risk. To the extent permissible by law, Zurich excludes all warranties in relation to the information available from this Site and disclaims all liability arising out of or consequent on any:

  1. access by you to the information available from this Site
  2. communications failure, internet access difficulties or malfunction in equipment or software which occurs as a result of accessing this Site or any of the content contained on this Site
  3. use of any information or content available from this Site.

By sending any information to Zurich through this Site (including any data, questions, comments, suggestions or information for inclusion in this Site) you represent that the information is not confidential to or owned by any person.

Any reference to currency is a reference to Australian Dollars unless otherwise specified.

Zurich has not reviewed any URL linked to or from any part of this Site which does not form part of this Site ("Third Party Pages"). This may not apply to sites operated by other members of the Zurich Insurance Group of companies.

Zurich is not responsible for any content found on a Third Party Page, or any site of which it forms a part. You must determine whether any page is part of this Site each time you follow a link to that page. The presence of a hyper-link from this Site does not imply any kind of endorsement by Zurich of the content of the linked site. Each individual site has its own set of policies about what information is appropriate for public access.

Subject to the law, Zurich does not accept any responsibility, or owe any duty of care, to any person acting, or refraining from acting, as a result of information on this Site.

Nothing in these Website Terms and Conditions is intended to exclude the application of the Australian Consumer Law, as set out in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). If any goods or services supplied through the Site are not used for personal domestic or household use, then, subject to section 64A of the Australian Consumer Law (Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)) ("CCA") and section 12EC of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission Act 2001 (Cth) ("ASIC Act"), our liability (not otherwise disclaimed or limited under these Terms and Conditions) is restricted to:

(i) in the case of good, replacing or repairing the goods or the cost of replacing or repairing the goods; or

(ii) in the case of services, re-supplying the services or the cost of resupplying the services.

This Site is subject to copyright by Zurich or its related bodies corporate.