Cover designed specifically for your Tesla

Unlike other car insurance products, Zurich's InsureMyTesla is purpose-built to protect your Tesla. With Comprehensive Cover, we offer a range of practical benefits you won’t find in a typical car insurance policy — like cover for charging equipment and battery damage.

This product overview highlights a few key things to know about InsureMyTesla. This overview doesn’t form part of your policy. For the full details, check the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

Choose from Comprehensive or Third Party Liability cover

When purchasing this cover, you can choose from two types of cover.

Comprehensive cover provides cover for loss or damage to your car and your liability to pay compensation to others. Third Party Liability cover is limited to cover for your liability to pay compensation to others.

  Section 1 - Your Vehicle Section 2 - Your Liability
Comprehensive cover    
Third party liability cover    

Section 1 cover – cover for loss or damage to your car

This section provides cover for loss or damage to your Tesla, plus some related expenses like loss of personal property stolen from the car, as set out in the policy. If your car is damaged, we’ll either pay the cost to repair your Tesla, or the value of the Tesla (if it’s not economical to repair).

In the PDS, we call this ‘Your Vehicle - Section 1’.

Section 2 cover — cover for your liability to pay compensation to others

This section provides cover for your legal liability to pay compensation to others if your car is involved in an incident or accident. We’ll cover your liability up to AU$20 million.

In the PDS, we call this ‘Your Liability - Section 2’.

InsureMyTesla Your Vehicle - Section 1 cover includes some additional benefits

In addition to the core cover the following additional benefits apply. 

Additional cover How it works Limit
New car replacement We’ll replace your car with a new vehicle of the same model and series if it’s:

- within 2 years of first registration or between 2 and 4 years since first registration and insured with us within the first 2 years on a continuous policy, has travelled no more than 100,000 kilometres.

- and its stolen and not recovered, or is damaged and not economical to repair.

However, in some cases where the same model is not available we’ll pay the actual purchase price you paid for your car. 

Covered within your Section 1 limit.
Excess free windscreen and glass We’ll pay you for loss or damage to your car’s windscreen or glass panels. No excess will apply if your vehicle has not suffered any other loss or damage. Covered within your Section 1 limit.
Damage from chargers and cables We’ll cover loss or damage to your car caused by any malfunctioning wall charger or charging accessory that you own. Some conditions apply. Covered within your Section 1 limit.
Damage to and theft of charging accessories We’ll cover damage to and theft of car charging cables and adaptors you own while they are stored in your car or being used to charge your car. $5,000 per policy period.
Battery damage from charging We’ll cover the cost to repair or replace your Tesla’s battery if there is damage as a result of it being charged, even if your car is otherwise undamaged. Some exclusions apply. Covered within your Section 1 limit.
Hire car after loss or damage that wasn’t your fault If your car suffers loss or damage and you were not at fault, we’ll arrange the hire of a substitute car, or pay or reimburse you the cost to hire a substitute car. Conditions apply. $150/day, until repaired or we offer settlement.
Hire car following theft We will cover the costs for a hire car after theft or attempted theft until your car is recovered, repaired or we offer settlement. $150/day for a maximum of 30 consecutive days per event.
Completing disrupted journeys If loss or damage to your car makes it unsafe to complete your journey, we’ll cover the reasonable and necessary costs to either return or complete your journey. Conditions apply. $2,500 per event.
Driver’s personal property After loss or damage to your Tesla, we’ll also cover loss or damage to certain driver’s personal property that was in the car. $1,000 per event.
Family expenses while hospitalised If the driver is injured and hospitalised after a crash, we’ll cover certain costs for their immediate family’s transport, accommodation, meal and related expenses to visit them in hospital. $5,000 per event.
Two-wheel or box trailers We’ll cover loss or damage to any two-wheeled or box trailer you own, while it is either attached to your Tesla, or within your business premises or the boundaries of your home. $2,000 or the trailer’s market value — whichever is lower.
No excess if third party is at fault You may not have to pay any excess when you claim for an event where someone else was at fault, you provide their details to us and the claim is above your excess. The excess amount.

More benefits are listed in the PDS. Cover is subject to limits, exclusions, terms and conditions.

InsureMyTesla Your Liability - Section 2 cover includes some additional benefits

In addition to the core cover the following additional benefits apply. 

Additional cover How it works Limit
Collision with an uninsured vehicle If you only have Your Liability - Section 2 cover  we’ll pay for damage to your Tesla in a collision with an uninsured vehicle, where the other driver was at fault and you provide their details. $10,000 per event.
Car charging liability We’ll cover certain liabilities to pay compensation for damage that arises from charging your car. $10m per event.
Legal costs and expenses We’ll pay legal costs and expenses you incur in the settlement or defence of claims for compensation resulting from an insured event. 
These costs and expenses need to be agreed by us in advance.
Covered within your Section 2 limit plus some additional benefits.
Disability modifications We’ll pay the cost of necessary car modifications if you (or another person who was driving) suffer a permanent disability after an event involving your Tesla. $10,000 per event.

More benefits are listed in the PDS. Cover is subject to limits, exclusions, terms and conditions.

You can change your mind in the first 21 days

If, after purchasing InsureMyTesla, you decide it doesn’t meet your needs, you can cancel your policy within 21 days and receive a full refund of any premiums you’ve paid. This is called the ‘cooling-off period’.

However, in some circumstances this does not apply, for example if you’ve made a claim during the ‘cooling-off period’.

We don’t cover you in certain circumstances

Like all insurance policies, InsureMyTesla has some exclusions — circumstances where your cover won’t apply.

Some exclusions are specific to Section 1, some to Section 2, and some apply across both sections of your insurance.

For example, you should be aware that we won’t cover:

  • Car breakdown — we won’t cover some damage to your car due to faulty design or workmanship, or any structural, electrical, mechanical or electronic failure or breakdown.
  • Your death or bodily injury — we won’t cover death or bodily injury of you, anyone related to you, or anyone you normally live with.
  • Hire, fare & delivery services — we won’t cover you using your car for hire, as a rideshare, or to deliver food or goods for payment.
  • Not being in control of the car — We won’t cover loss, damage or any liability arising from you or the driver not being in control of the car in accordance with legislative requirements for using and controlling the vehicle.

Refer to the PDS for further details, and to see the full list of exclusions.

Excesses apply

You’ll need to pay an excess on most claims

For most claims under this policy, you’ll need to pay an excess. A basic excess, and in some circumstances an additional excess, may apply. You’ll find the amount of the basic excess in your policy schedule and details of any additional excess can be found in the PDS.

When applying for InsureMyTesla, you can choose your basic excess level.